Tag Archive | "LA Times"

Troubles with internet lending in California

The LA Times reports that regulators in California are having a difficult time regulating some online lenders, many which are located offshore.  The article really speaks to the need for consumers to have access to regulated, storefront lenders.

Posted in alternatives, California, industry, LA Times, regulationComments (1)

Center for Responsible Lending relies on “shoddy research”

Terry Kibbe of the Consumers Rights League weighs in.    From her piece in today’s Los Angeles Times:

“The Center for Responsible Lending and other so-called consumer advocacy groups rely on shoddy research in stirring gender, racial and class sensitivities to make the case against payday loans, as they did during their successful crusades in Georgia and North Carolina to run payday shops out of business. Though they claimed that the elimination of payday loans saved Georgia residents approximately $154 million per year, that claim was refuted by a Federal Reserve report (pdf) indicating that consumers ended up paying more through overdraft bank charges and late fees. Critics of payday loans are content to ignore that the mass of payday borrowers are middle-income, educated consumers.”

Terri goes on to oppose “big brother” restrictions on payday lending. 

Posted in California, Center for Responsible Lending, industry critics, LA Times, media coverage, positive media coverage, statesComments (0)

Thoughtful piece in LA Times

Economist Christopher Thornberg has provocative column on payday lending in the Los Angeles Times.  Great quote from the piece:

Despite high fees, people continue to use payday lenders with some frequency. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me eight or nine times, and clearly something else is up. It might be easy to accuse the firms of taking advantage of people and earning unfairly high profits, but if profits are so high, why hasn’t there been a mad rush by the very competitive banking industry to provide these services in underserved neighborhoods? Given my personal financial institution’s predilection for hidden fees and what would seem to be unfair charges for even simple services, I wouldn’t chalk it up to an ethics issue. 

He goes on to advocate competition as the best answer to payday lending.  That’s something the industry has said for years.  Competition drives prices down and serves consumers best. 

Posted in California, LA Times, media coverage, positive media coverage, statesComments (0)

LA Times blogger defends payday lending

A Los Angeles Times blogger agrees with former Sen. George McGovern that the government should stay out of the business of restricting credit.  Money quote:  “Government is almost as good at quashing economic activity in the hood as it as at complaining about the lack of opportunity in the inner city.”

Posted in LA Times, media coverage, positive media coverageComments (0)





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