Archive | Zanesville Times Recorder

Don’t pick on payday lenders

Wisdom in today’s Zanesville (OH) Times Recorder

Posted in best practices, industry, media coverage, Ohio, regulation, states, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments

Take that, Bill Faith

Great letter in Zanesville Recorder

Bill Faith and the Ohio State Legislature needs to keep their noses out of our personal business…….They, the legislature, who have no idea what regular people have to do to keep their heads above water, do not need to decide our fates.

Posted in Bill Faith, industry, industry critics, media coverage, Ohio, regulation, states, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments

B.S. from the Zanesville Recorder

The same papers that editorialized against the industry during the legislative fight in Ohio are now editorializing against us on Issue 5.   Today, the Zanesville Recorder weighs in.  

The editorials won’t have much impact because the people already know the positions of the newspapers.  This vote is going to be close.

Posted in media coverage, Ohio, states, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments

We spoke to soon

This crazy screed might be better than the one three posts below.  At least this guy admits he’s on a “soap box.”  From the guest piece in the Zanesville (OH) Recorder entitled, get this, “Democracy at Risk:” 

I really, really fear for the future of our country when people can get away with outlandish and misleading promotions of their causes at election time. For example, the Vote No on Issue 5 flyer that came in the mail. It shows pictures of senior citizens and tries to scare them into thinking that all of their financial information is going to be made public if Issue 5 is approved

The financial system is melting down, we are fighting two wars, but the real threat to democracy is a referendum in which the citizens get to vote?    This guy is rubber room whacked out.   

Posted in customers, industry, local issues, media coverage, Ohio, states, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments

When will they stop whining?

These guest editorials–obviously organized by payday lending opponents–whining about the signature gathering process of the Ohio referendum are getting old.   This line of argument is being pushed because the anti-payday lending forces don’t want to argue about “consumer choice.”  It’s an argument they can’t win.   

Posted in customers, industry, industry critics, media coverage, Ohio, states, Zanesville Times Recorder1 Comment

“…jobs of employees like me are at stake.”

This letter in the Zanesville Times Recorder demonstrates  that payday lending employees have more sense that legislators.   

With the economy and the job market the way they are, it is terrible policy on our politicians behalf to be legislating our jobs away to other states. These were not low-end jobs, but rather very secure jobs that paid quite a bit. It is very fair to say that these companies took care of the people that worked there. Isn’t the most logical way to decide what is best for the public, to let the public decide?

The Payday Pundit wonders if the Ohio legislature has any regrets.

Posted in employees, industry, Ohio, regulation, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments

Ohio needs payday loans

So says Greg Fay, owner of Hometown Cash Advance, in today’s Zanesville Times Recorder.   Discussing the recent Senate Hearing he says:

The parade of distinguished professors, business owners and minority community leaders presented nothing but factual evidence on the benefits of the product, the pitfalls if it were to be banned, while debunking the scurrilous falsehoods presented by opponents.

Posted in industry, media coverage, Ohio, positive media coverage, regulation, states, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments

Another payday lending employee speaks from the heart

This letter in the Zanesville Time Recorder sums up the situation in Ohio nicely. (Note how the paper put a snarky headline on this letter.  They just can’t help showing their bias, we guess) From the letter:

People trust us to help them. What will they do when they have no one to turn to? Just bounce check after check?

Ohio payday lending employees are not just fighting for their jobs; they’re fighing for their customers’ rights.

Posted in customers, employees, industry, media coverage, Ohio, positive media coverage, regulation, states, Zanesville Times Recorder0 Comments





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