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Let the voters decide

You know what the great thing is about a democracy?  Each and every person gets to have their say, make up their own mind and choose.  Sure, Alexis de Tocqueville and Federalist Paper #10 warned about tyranny of the majority, but with the checks and balances that are in effect in this great country and in the wonderful state of Ohio, the majority vote on payday lending will be significantly more legitimate than the authoritarian move the Ohio legislature made in passing HB 545. 

But that’s not even the best part, in this country we have a strong live and let live ethic.  What might not be good for the goose is great for the gander.  In today’s Delphos Herald, Fourth District Representative Matt Huffman describes why he voted for financial choice, even though he doesn’t think payday loans are always the best idea:

“I voted against it because I think, in some instances, it’s a product people want to have available. I don’t see a lot of difference between these loans and what happens with credit cards where people get a $5,000 line of credit and pretty soon, they’re maxed out and at 19 percent, can never pay it back. Let’s be clear: this is a bad option but it may, at times, be folks’ only option. If they need to make a child support payment or they have a medical bill or some doctor says you have to have $150 up front before he’ll see you. There are different cases where this is appropriate and most people pay it back on payday.”

Allow the voters to educate themselves, form their own opinion and vote on the matter.  Give democracy a chance!

Posted in Delphos Herald, OH CRL, Ohio, regulation0 Comments





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