Archive | Jeff Merkley

Let’s end the week on a low note

Coverage of Jeff Merkley’s acceptance speech here:

He also emphasized the importance of developing a bold new energy program to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and to tackle global warning. He also pledged to take aim against predatory mortgage practices and to expand Oregon’s regulations on the payday and title loan industries nationally.

Posted in industry, industry critics, Jeff Merkley1 Comment

Is this week over yet?

Anti-payday lending zealot, Jeff Merkley, has won in Oregon.

Posted in industry, Jeff Merkley, Oregon, regulation, states0 Comments

Don’t shoot the messenger

Anti-payday lending candidate Jeff Merkley is predicted to win his tight race with Gordon Smith in Oregon.  The remaing votes to count are in Democratic areas.  

After the news of the last few days, we can either get drunk, go back to sleep, or get more determined to fight for financial choice.   These suggestions aren’t mutually exclusive, though.  

Posted in industry, industry critics, Jeff Merkley, Oregon, states0 Comments

Silver lining?

Smith holds a slim lead over Merkley in Oregon.

Posted in Jeff Merkley, Oregon, states0 Comments

Let’s see, who do we support?

One U.S. Senate candidate in Oregon wants to put payday lenders out of business and the other is a believer in free markets.  This is a tough one.  

Posted in Jeff Merkley, local issues, media coverage, Oregon, states0 Comments

The lie of 36%

When anti-payday lending forces push for a 36% rate cap, they say that lenders can operate under it. Once it passes and lenders close stores, they then take credit for that.  In other words, they lie.  See this crazy video promoting the Senate candidacy of Jeff Merkley.   

Posted in industry, Jeff Merkley, Oregon, regulation, states1 Comment

Oregon’s Merkley is “strenthening” the economy (by taking jobs away)

Jeff Merkley, Oregon legislator and candidate for U.S., is most famous for leading the charge to drive payday lending out of the state.  He seems most proud of it as evidenced by this flyer sent out by the AFL-CIO in support of his candidacy.  The Payday Pundit calls readers attention to the typos in the flyer and hopes that Merkley is not positioning himself as the “education candidate.” 

Last month, Merkley did the opposite of “strenghening” the economy and actually held an event where he celebrated lost jobs in Oregon.

Posted in industry critics, Jeff Merkley, Oregon, states0 Comments

Oregon’s House Speaker “celebrates” lost jobs and the taking away of credit choices

In a stunt to gain publicity, House Speaker Jeff Merkley toasted the closing of payday loan stores in Oregon.  

As seen in other states where payday lenders have been forced to close their doors, Oregonians will now spend more money bouncing checks, using overdraft protection, and paying bills late. 

Congrats Speaker Merkley.  While you are toasting the closing of legal, regulated, tax-paying Oregon business, hard-working Oregonians are left without a credit option and forced to choose between other, more costly short-term credit options they had previously tried to avoid. 

Speaker Merkley, while you’ve eliminated a credit option, the need is still there.  You’ll have to answer to the consumers whose credit choices you’ve limited and the employees whose jobs you’ve taken away.   

Posted in industry, industry critics, Jeff Merkley, Oregon, regulation, states0 Comments





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