Archive | Herb Sandler

Making the list

Center for Responsible Lending funders Herb and Marion Sandler made Time Magazine’s list of top 25 people to blame for the financial crisis.

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ProPublica, the Left-wing independent news organization funded by the Sandler Foundation, (yes, Herb and Marion Sandler, the subprime mortgage billionaires) has the audacity to criticize the payday lending industry.   Click here to read about the Sandlers and their connection to ACORN.

Posted in ACORN, Herb Sandler, industry1 Comment

Who is Herb Sandler?


Just who is the man Herb Sandler? First he’s embroiled in scandal and second he’s a liberal financier of left-wing causes. I posted back on Feb. 16th the story from 60 Minutes that him and his wife bilked people into engaging in loans where their payments didn’t even cover the interest on the loan — so these poor people got poorer and poorer every time they made a house payment.

And why did he found Center for Responsible Lending?

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Will Herb & Marion Sandler pay a price?

American Thinker’s Ed Lasky questions why Herb and Marion Sandler (founders and major funders of the Center for Responsible Lending) are not under more scrutiny in his recent Pittsburgh Tribune Review column.

He writes:

They, along with their political and ideological ally George Soros, are among the top five funders in America of 527 groups that promote a liberal agenda.

Posted in Center for Responsible Lending, Herb Sandler, industry critics0 Comments

CRL founders named as “25 people to blame for financial crisis”

Time Magazine lists Herb and Marion Sandler, founders of the Center for Responsible Lending, as one of the 25 most “blameworthy.”

Herb and Marion Sandler

Posted in Center for Responsible Lending, Herb Sandler, industry critics0 Comments

Center for Irresponsible Lending?

Just stumbled upon a new website that details CRL’s connections with the sub prime mortgage crisis.

Irresponsible Lending

Posted in Center for Responsible Lending, Herb Sandler, industry critics0 Comments

60 Minutes’ “World of Trouble” Profiles Herb and Marion Sandler

The actions of Herb and Marion Sandler, founders of the Center for Responsible Lending, were discussed in a segment on 60 Minutes last night.

Both the transcript and full video segment are available online.

An excerpt:

In fact, Herb and Marion Sandler were legendary. In 1963, they started Golden West Financial and grew to 285 branches under the name World Savings. The Sandlers’ were known for careful, conservative lending. They’ve given away millions of dollars to charity and started an advocacy group for low income borrowers called the Center for Responsible Lending.

In 2006, just before the housing crash, the Sandlers sold their bank to Wachovia and pocketed $2.3 billion.

Trouble is, some of their money came from people like Betty Townes, who is financially ruined after being sold a series of World Savings mortgages she couldn’t afford.

Reminds me of an old Alanis Morissette song.

Posted in Center for Responsible Lending, Herb Sandler0 Comments





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