Categorized | industry, Ohio, regulation, states

BREAKING NEWS: Ohio bill to ban payday lending passes with 29 in support and 4 opposed

UPDATE:  See who voted for and against

Read what those who voted for and against the ban had to say. 

Against the ban

For the ban

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4 Responses to “BREAKING NEWS: Ohio bill to ban payday lending passes with 29 in support and 4 opposed”

  1. Mindy Barnett says:

    My heart breaks for the hundreds of single parents who are now facing an uncertain future because our law makers have pulled the rugs out from underneath them by passing a bill that would eliminate their jobs. When did it become the role of government to dictate to us our personal financial decisions and to limit our financial choices? When did government stop being the “government of the people, by the people, (and) for the people”? My faith in government is fleeting.

  2. Cassie says:

    I want each and every one of those 29 politicians to go to bed every night thinking the names Xander and Austen. Those are the names of my 2 children, and thanks to them their mother has lost her job. Being a single mother with a full time job is hard enough. Being a single mother with a job that was ripped away by people who have never been in my store is even worse. REMEMBER XANDER AND AUSTEN

  3. valerie says:

    I am the bread winner in my family of five. My husband was injured at work , we have been fighting BWC for 7 years. My job keeps our utilities on,food on table, clothes for our children. Not to mention ahome too. Thats not even any school activities/fees. They are taking away our lively hood!!! We will not have any quality of life. We will only be able to exist!! REMEMBER THE WORKING PEOPLE!!!!!!

  4. Connie says:

    This is truly a travesty of immense proportions! I have been sick all day knowing that my future and the livelyhood of my family is in jeopardy because the senators chose to vote with the media and the coalitions that know nothing about what happens in our customers’ lives. Shame on all the supporters of this bill – I hope you sleep well knowing the turmoil you have put so many Ohioans in now. Thank you for “protecting us from ourselves”!!!!


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