Industry is going all out to save payday lending in Ohio

They are stacking the deck against the payday lending industry, but we’re fighting back.  This Columbus Dispatch story captures the latest:

House leaders said the bill is an effort to deal with the debt trap associated with payday loans: Many borrowers repeatedly take out new loans to pay off old ones.

The industry, which has grown from 106 stores in 1997 to more than 1,600 today, says the bill would put it out of business. Payday lenders are pushing back with:

• More lobbying.

• More phone calls.

Senate offices reported getting between 50 and 150 calls apiece last week from payday-lending employees who, reading from scripts, urged defeat of the bill. “Thank goodness for caller ID,” said one staffer before sending another call into voice-mail.

• More visibility.

In addition to packing the hearing room for proceedings that stretched into last night, about 2,500 payday-lending employees and supporters rallied Tuesday at the Statehouse.

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One Response to “Industry is going all out to save payday lending in Ohio”

  1. Greg Fay says:

    This letter has been sent to most Editors in Ohio.

    To the Editor:

    Based upon the testimony presented in the Ohio Senate Finance
    Committee on May 7, the evidence is overwhelming: Ohio wants and
    needs payday loans. The parade of distinguished professors, business
    owners, and minority community leaders presented nothing but factual
    evidence on the benefits of the product, the pitfalls if it were to
    be banned, while debunking the scurrilous falsehoods presented by

    If the Senate passes SB 545, it would be solely for political
    expediency, for which those Senators should be ashamed. We already
    see this game at play. Senator Jacobsen, a proclaimed opponent who
    repeatedly demonstrated his ignorance during the hearing, replaced a
    Committee Member who understood the facts about payday loans.

    SB 545 is an ill-conceived piece of nonsense that makes for bad
    public policy. While additional consumer protections are necessary
    and right, SB 545 is the equivalent of treating dandruff by
    decapitation. Meanwhile, Gov. Strickland demonstrates the most
    blatant double-standard in Ohio history by proclaiming he is
    “protecting the poor” from payday loans, while simultaneously
    encouraging them to gamble at Keno.

    Senators, do what’s right for Ohio: vote NO on SB 545, and propose
    real reform.

    Greg Fay
    Owner Hometown Cash Advance


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