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Rapid City Journal- A newspaper editorial board with common sense!!

April 14, 2009 | federal legislation, industry, positive media coverage, regulation | Comments (1)

An editorial from South Dakota’s Rapid City Journal, Find Compromise on Payday Loans

…But the truth probably lies somewhere in between and we hope Congress can ferret it out, regulate the industry and meet the needs of the people who have no other options.

Rapid City Journal gets it right

April 10, 2009 | Rapid City Journal, South Dakota, best practices, customers | Comments (0)

Rapid City Journal ran a nice, balanced article today.  Props to them for helping to educate consumers that payday loans should be considered for emergencies while acknowledging the service these loans provide and the extent payday loans companies go to to help consumers.

Will critics attack this payday loan alternative?

April 21, 2008 | Rapid City Journal, South Dakota, alternatives, industry, media coverage, states | Comments (0)

The Black Hills Credit Union is offering an “alternative” to payday loans.  According to this article qualification for this ervice is ”not based on credit score, debt ratio or discretionary income.”   Isn’t this a line of attack critics such as the Center for Responsible Lending level at payday lenders?