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The Payday Loan Opponent Hall of Shame

March 30, 2009 | industry, regulation | Comments (0)

From Blogger News:

I was terrible at debate in high school. I didn’t understand how to establish a case, make a plan, attack the opponent’s position, or formulate logical arguments to counter their assertions.

Neither do opponents of the payday loan industry. The difference is, back in high school, there was nothing at stake except pride. Here, in the real world, payday loan opponents, consumer activists, corrupt charities, ideologues, and grandstanding politicians try every trick in the book to avoid discussing the facts. Their refusal to do so has resulted in harming the very consumers they purport to be helping.

And coming soon…a new website at PDLHallOfShame.blogspot.com…According to the article, “it will name names – the hacks, liars, fools, ideologues, grandstanding politicians and the rare honorable person who at least has the courage to debate the issue logically.”