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“Valuable role”

February 12, 2009 | Kansas, customers, industry, media coverage, positive media coverage | Comments (0)

That’s the erudite Tom Linafelt of QC Holdings in a letter to the Lawrence Journal World& News:

Short-term loan companies each year help thousands of Kansas families overcome unexpected financial circumstances, and Federal Reserve Bank studies show that, by extending credit where otherwise there would be none, short-term loans actually help household finances.

Ignorance disguised as advice

December 18, 2008 | Kansas, alternatives, industry, states | Comments (2)

The Lawrence Journal World derides the number of payday lending stores–six–in a downtown area.  However, the writer can’t fathom the economic law of supply and demand:

It amazes me that there is enough business to keep all of these companies going.

The writer should consider it good news that there are a number of stores competing with each, driving prices as low as they can go.