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NewsBusters take on Chicago Tribune reporter over Internet lending story

May 12, 2008 | Chicago Tribune, Illinois, media coverage, positive media coverage, states | Comments (0)

This weekend story from the Chicago Tribune on Internet lending drew a sharp rebuke from NewsBusters, a media watchdog group.  NewBusters story begins:

The risks and benefits of so-called payday lending are certainly worthwhile of media coverage, and genuine instances of fraud or exploitation are and should be fodder for criticism in the print media. But it helps when your highlighted victim actually has good credit to start with and/or isn’t consistently turning to Internet loans to supplement income.

The rest of NewsBusters piece is here.


Consumers can determine their financial destiny

April 28, 2008 | Chicago Tribune, Illinois, media coverage, positive media coverage, states | Comments (0)

 A letter to the editor from Tommy Moore can be found on the Chicago Tribune website.  It’s recommended reading:

Consumers have a right to determine their own financial destiny and make their own choices for what’s best for their financial situation and their families.

Lender in Illinois gets hit by Chicago Tribune

April 25, 2008 | Chicago Tribune, Illinois, alternatives, industry, media coverage, states | Comments (0)

A lending company called AmeriCash is criticized by consumer groups in this Chicago Tribune article for steering costumers into longer-term consumer loans instead of payday loans.    

The Payday Pundit knows nothing about AmeriCash, but I think this article proves that there’s no winning with consumer groups.