This story came out yesterday covering Holly Petraeus’, who heads the Office of Servicemember Affairs for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, conference call this week with Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD). On the call Petraeus discussed the importance of appointing a director to the CFPB, saying agency enforcement personnel “cannot start their work until we have a director in place. It’s like they are circling their airfield waiting for permission to land.”
As she discussed the need for a director, we were a bit flabbergasted by the headline and its ties to the story? Sensationalism, much? Perhaps.
Just a reminder for those who follow the Pundit, CFSA member companies do not market or provide two-week payday advance loans to the military. This policy is in accordance with federal law that imposed a 36 percent rate cap on loans of 91 days or fewer to military personnel, their spouses, and their dependents.
Let this article be a reminder that if, or when the CRBC is fully operational, one of their first tasks will be to abolish the payday loan industry. Look what Cordray did in Ohio. Read the disinformation Petraeus is putting forth.