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December 21, 2010 | CFPB, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB | Comments (1)

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will balance education with enforcement.  From the story:

Education and enforcement will be equally important to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), under an organization chart released Monday by Treasury officials.

The officials provided an update to the CFPB’s implementation plan, and expressed confidence that the bureau is on schedule to be ready for business by the July 21 deadline, as mandated by the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. Over 100 employees have already been hired to assist in the startup, they said.

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1. socialist slayer - December 23, 2010

And by education you can be sure what they really mean is re-education. I can hardly wait to look up while waiting in line to see a monitor at the local Slave-Mart with Janet Incompitanto espousing the virtues of check cashing etiquette.