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November 16, 2010 | Elizabeth Warren, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB | Comments (1)

In her latest interview, Elizabeth Warren hits the same old themes: 

Protection from Predatory Lenders
“What we’re going to push for is to cut down the paperwork at closing on the mortgage and instead try to get a one page mortgage shopping sheet that carries the basic information that you need in order to decide whether or not you can afford the mortgage and that gives you the opportunity to compare one mortgage with two or three others.”

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1. Phillip Huston - November 16, 2010

Wow, Ms. Warren is going to remove decades of coded law, legal business and consumer protection language, as well as required state and federal disclosures, in order to cut down on the paperwork?? (that is about all there is) Anyone else curious as what will no longer be necessary???

She is also going to take the Good Faith Estimate and trim it down from 3 pages to 1 page (Mortgage Shopping Sheet). Hmm…I wonder what she will remove…or (God forbid!) will she actually ADD another page to the stack!

Ms. Warren will hit the same proverbial wall the rest of the extreme left has learned the hard way…you can’t and never will be able to protect the American consumer from themselves.