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More panic

November 12, 2010 | Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, federal legislation | Comments (0)

Over something that is unlikely to happen.   The Nation has a story with this headline:  GOP’s Plan to Dismantle Wall Street Reform:

In the end, though, the House financial services committee will see a major rightward shift with either Bachus or Royce as chairman. Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), a free marketeer who said the consumer bureau “assaults the liberties of the consumer,” is poised to take over the financial institutions and consumer credit subcommittee, while libertarian Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, will likely take over the domestic monetary policy and technology subcommittee. And if that didn’t spell trouble for Dodd-Frank, the House GOP’s pledge to defund the financial reform bill makes plenty clear where Republicans stand on financial issues.

Let’s see, the Dems only control the Senate and White House so obviously there are no obstacles to dismantling financial reform.   These people need to relax.

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