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Financial literacy in Delaware

October 26, 2010 | Delaware | Comments (1)

Funded by payday advance fees.   From the story

A new state fund will help launch more programs that teach children how to handle money.

Gov. Markell says $200,000 from the Financial Literacy Education Fund is available to schools, community and non-profit organizations to improve the financial well-being of Delawareans.

The funding comes from a fee charged to payday loan and other businesses that make short-term consumer loans.

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1. Commy News Network - October 26, 2010

Do they ever teach school children about the constitution?

Let me get this straight. After 12 years of indoctrination I mean government-run education, kids don’t know how to handle money?

Back when we had a free country, this would have never been tolerated. It started with tobacco and there is no end in sight.
This “funding” is nothing more than another slush fund for teachers and administrators.