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August 27, 2010 | CFPB Nomination, Elizabeth Warren, Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, federal legislation | Comments (1)

From the Wall Street Journal: 

Is Barney Frank after Elizabeth Warren’s job? Frank is supporting Elizabeth Warren to head the new Consumer Financial Protection. But Alain Sherter reports that “Citing a source on the House Financial Services Committee “close to” Frank, who chairs the panel, bank analyst Christopher Whalen of Institutional Risk Analytics says the Massachusetts Democrat is throwing his cudgel into the ring.” Frank denies this, though.

I doubt this.  I don’t think the Chairman of the House Financiall Services Committee would settle for anything less than a cabinet secretary level job if he were to go into the administration.

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1. MayDay Loans - August 27, 2010

I believe it. Frank is smart enough to know that the only thing he’ll be ‘chairing’ after November, is the ‘WTF Happened’ committee, as the Dems lick their gaping wounds.