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Not exactly vows of poverty

August 12, 2010 | Center for Responsible Lending | Comments (2)

ProPublica, a Left-wing media site that is funded by Herb and Marion Sandler (Center for Responsible Lending founders), pays more than mainstream newspapers do according to the American Thinker:

  • Paul Steiger, president and editor in chief, made $571,687 in salary, plus $13,430 in other compensation.
  • Richard Tofel, treasurer and secretary, made $320,978 in salary, plus $21,312 in other compensation.
  • Stephen Engelberg, managing editor, made $343,463, plus $31,231 in other compensation.
  • Dafna Linzer, senior reporter, made $205,455, plus $20,421 in other compensation.
  • Susan White, senior editor, made $160,011, plus $18,063 in other compensation.
  • Tracy Weber, senior reporter, made $176,309, plus $21,243 in other compensation.
  • Charles Ornstein, senior reporter, made $172,287, plus $26,805 in other compensation.
  • Thomas Miller, senior reporter, made $186,479, plus $28,676 in other compensation.
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1. iowaoperator - August 12, 2010

This is too much money! I am calling for an immediate cap on their pay. They should only be paid 36% of what they were paid this year, next year!

2. Al Eli - August 12, 2010

Theirs is OK but ours isn’t!