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Who needs a fact checker?

July 27, 2010 | Colorado, NPR | Comments (0)

The NPR station in Colorado reports on the new payday lending regulation there and mentions that payday lenders in the state are rightly concerned that consumers won’t have access to emergency funds when a need arises.  To refute the point, they quote the co-chair of “Coloradans for Payday Lending Reform” simply asserting that there are less expensive alternatives available.  Oh really?  Well, I certainly wouldn’t want a news organization to strain anything, ya know, calling alternative providers, doing the math to compare the rates, seeing how many people would actually be eligible to use the services in member-only credit unions, checking on the membership fees themselves…

Yeah, fact checking is a tough job, and apparently nobody has to do it as long as you’ve got someone with a vested interest willing to make a declaration.

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