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Repeal “inconceivable”

July 22, 2010 | Financial Reform Bill - CFPB, federal legislation, industry | Comments (1)

So says Treasury Secretary Geithner as reported by The Hill.

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1. Iowaoperator - July 22, 2010

This is why Article V constitutional conventions will be the only way to repeal much of the damage the Obama Administration and this Congress have done. All the more reason that state-level elections are important. So far only 14 states have either indicated they will sue to stop the Health Care bill, Move for an Article V or pass a resolution demanding the Feds honor the 10th amendment. If we ever want the CFPB repealed the stars will have to line up correctly and at the right time. So get your friends, family, neighbors, employees, managers, District Managers, Tellers, Co-workers to the polls come November. We must stop this war on Capitalism and our way of life!