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The other side

June 30, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

Some Lefties think the bill isn’t tough enough: From the Huffington Post: 

The Democrats’ financial reform bill is weak tea that doesn’t fix the problem of too big to fail megabanks or prevent the next cycle of boom, bust and bailout.


Senate supporters of real reform like Feingold and Cantwell still shouldn’t let Republicans block an up or down vote on the watered-down measure with a filibuster that requires a super-majority of 60 for passage. But having voted against the filibuster, they should insure that the legislation passes by the slimmest of margins with 51 votes, serving notice that, along with grassroots supporters of real financial reform, they’ll be back next year, and the next, and the year after that until its safe enough for the financial system to go back in the water.

It’s pretty delusional to think Congress will revisit financial reform again next year.

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