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June 24, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

From Politico

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) accused a handful of senators Thursday of “hijacking” the Wall Street reform negotiations.

 Corker directed his comments at Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, but he was referring to the Connecticut Democrat’s intense negotiations with a handful of moderate Republicans and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.).

 “A few senators, over very parochial single-issue items, almost are hijacking the process, and I just want to say to my friend there are a numbers of ways to get to 60 votes,” Corker said to Dodd. “And it is fascinating to watch. Now, a few senators who really haven’t spent a lot of time on this issue — over one issue — potentially hijacked the process.”

 Corker’s comments set the tone for what is expected to be a frantic effort Thursday to finish the conference report on the Wall Street reform bill. House and Senate aides predicted a late night, given that several major issues have not been decided.

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