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And they pick on us?

June 18, 2010 | alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

Payday lending, of course, is the most disclosed service there is.  But what about your cell phone service?   From the “Personal Tech” column in today’s New York Times:  

As longtime readers know, I think the cellphone industry is one step away from a big-city mugger. Some of their practices are outrageous ripoffs-like how they charge so much for text messages (both the sender and the receiver), even though text messages cost them nothing. Or how the purpose of two-year contract is to sell you an expensive phone cheaply, on the premise that you’ll pay it off over the next 24 months-but once you’ve paid off the phone, your monthly bill doesn’t go down. (Except at T-Mobile.)


After much outcry and even an FCC investigation, Verizon Wireless installed a “landing page”-a page on the phone that lets you cancel before you incur the charge. But plenty of people still find those mysterious $2 charges. If you truly never use Internet features, you can call Verizon to request a “data block”-to say, “I just don’t use the Internet on my phone, and I don’t want to run the risk of getting hit with those $2 charges.”

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