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Shelby: “Rocky start”

June 10, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

Just popped on Politico: 

Shelby and his Republican colleagues criticized Democrats for releasing a revised version of the base bill only hours before the conference committee was set to meet. They said the last-minute changes belied Democratic pledges to make the committee’s work fully transparent.

“It appears that we are off to a rocky start because the base text before the conference was negotiated and compiled behind closed doors and without any Republican participation,” Shelby said. “Granted, our respective Chairmen have scheduled a number of public meetings, but I suspect there have been a number of private meetings where legislative language has been coordinated and drafted without any public access or Republican input.

“It appears, at this point, that the only facet of this conference that will be public is when the Republicans get our one and only chance to amend what has already been decided by our Democrat colleagues behind closed doors,” Shelby said.

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