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What’s 21 minus six?

June 2, 2010 | Utah, industry | Comments (0)

The Ogden City Council says there should be only 15 “short-term lenders” in its town.  From the story

The ordinance limits the number of short-term lenders in Ogden to 15. There are currently 21 in the city.

Those that already exist will be allowed to remain, but if they close, others would not be allowed to open at new locations until the number dips below 15.

The limit is less stringent than a recommendation from the Ogden Planning Commission, which suggested the number of short-term lenders be capped at eight.

The ordinance also prohibits short-term loan businesses within 1,000 feet of a similar business or within 660 feet of a pawnbroker or a sexually oriented business, to prevent clustering.

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