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Relentless in Ohio

May 9, 2010 | Ohio, industry | Comments (1)

The silly editorials won’t stop coming.  From today’s Mansfield News Journal:

House Bill 486 is a law that absolutely makes sense at this time in our state. It stops the economic predators who have found a way to take advantage of those who are the most vulnerable.

It absolutely makes sense to lose more jobs and limit access to credit for working people?

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1. Darren - May 10, 2010

The loss of over 3000 jobs.Believe me I seen first hand how issue 5 caused a 62 year old man who worked in the indusrty lose everything he had his whole life destroyed.This attack on jobs in Ohio is real and effects main st Ohio.Unfortunatley 3000 jobs are 3000 lives and the lives of their families kids,elderly ,women and men.This is very real, but can be avoided with a commen sense approach..let consumers decide for themselves when it comes to their finances.Sounds easy?It is.