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President tries to win over business

May 4, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (2)

From UPI:

U.S. President Barack Obama will speak to the Business Council Tuesday on job creation and business’s role in rebuilding the economy, the White House said.

Obama also will present his arguments for passing financial reform and discuss reform principles that would protect consumers and provide “rules of the road” to help prevent another financial meltdown, the White House daily schedule said.

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1. Gabriel Rodriguez - May 4, 2010

Did he mention that his financial reform plan is actually going to ELIMINATE jobs?

I would love to hear his pitch about how financial reform will help prevent another financial meltdown….
“I personally selected and appointed Eric Stein to the task of writing our financial reform laws, to help prevent another financial meltdown. I believe he is the best candidate for the job, because he helped to cause the last one. Trust me, you can trust him. CHANGE!”

We should put more criminals in charge of preventing crime. Hannibal Lector for Attorney General!!

2. Darren - May 5, 2010

yeah but if you run a 100 billion dollar hedge fund like most of us you will see the true benefit of this bill… thanks Barry