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May 4, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (1)

Lobbyists are the new bad guys.   Instead of discussing consumers who will get hurt and workers who will lose jobs  in industries targeted by the financial reform bill, cheerleading reporters focus on lobbyists.  From Ezra Klein in today’s Washington Post

As the Senate dives into the details of far-reaching legislation to overhaul financial regulations this week, lobbyists who represent some of the nation’s biggest banks are feeling on edge.


“You’ve got an environment, six months before an election, where politicians are acting like politicians,” said Sam Geduldig, a financial lobbyist and former Republican staffer. “They are viewing any vote as a potential campaign ad. And that might not be good for any of us.”

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1. Commy News Network - May 4, 2010

Media tend to treat lobbyists in the same manner as they treat free speech. As long as they are the chosen ones, it’s all good. They only show disdain for the unclean, and unbanked.