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This will get your heart pumping

May 2, 2010 | Ohio, industry, regulation | Comments (2)

The Cleveland Plain Dealer’s 758th rant against the industry.   How’s that employment rate in Ohio?

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1. Darren - May 2, 2010

Thomas Suddes,was among several writers ,legislators,and advocates who told Ohio voters a yes vote on five wouldn’t force lenders to close because they could operate under different laws..Bill Faith (center for responsible lending Ohio) was also quoted several times suggesting the same things..that’s why we don’t see him and that snappy purple shirt at the state house begging for a vote anymore, because that would make him look like a hypocrite,but why aren’t the others felling like they mislead the voters?Why doesn’t Mr.Buddish have to answer for putting this bill into another committee just because it wasn’t going to pass the one it was in?? The committee it was suppose to be in didn’t think it was a good bill..Shoudnt that be enough???That’s why we have committees for finance at least I thought…we select people that are there to discuss financial bills.Mr.Buddish actions seem very backward and out and out crooked who should the FBI be contactIing….Finally Bill Batchelder a very pro bank politician(just look at his campaign contributors).Why is he for essentially a ban on this type of short term lending and not the more expensive forms of bank offered short term lending products such as overdraft protection and bank cash advances?Seems to me the legislators of the Ohio Black Caucus should be commended not condemned for not rushing,but actually seeing this bill for what it is..a virtual money grab for the banks and more job loses for the buckeye state….Wake up Ohio and stay strong Ohio’s Black Caucus….

2. glenn - May 3, 2010

Mr. Suddes bio states: “Tom Suddes: He’s a consistent, sharp voice about what’s going on in Columbus, and one of the only reporters who understands why Ohio is governed by a group of bozos.”

I wonder if the general assembly feels Mr. Suddes is a bozo as well.