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Kentucky data base

April 30, 2010 | Kentucky, industry, regulation | Comments (1)

Up and running.  From the article

State law limits customers to two payday loans at a time, totaling $500. With the database, customers who exceed the limit won’t be able to receive a new payday loan until they pay off prior loans.

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1. Mick - April 30, 2010

Yea, it launched today… on a Friday… the last day of the month… and on the biggest/busiest weekend in the state of Kentucky… Derby weekend. (Well, at least it’s a big deal in the biggest city/market in KY – Louisville) Don’t worry about changing the way business is done and causing stress for consumers and the businesses that service them on the worst possible day of the entire year KY DFI. I’m sure there was some logical reason the database HAD to be launched TODAY. I’m just not smart enough or “in the know” to understand it I guess.