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This is important

April 29, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (2)

Everyone seems to be in agreement that there will be a a 60-vote threshhold to pass amendments.   That’s good bacause some nasty amendments are coming–rate caps, fequency limitations and who knows what else.  From the story: 

“It is not just Republicans who are going to offer amendments,” said Sen. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican who negotiated with Dodd on portions of the bill. “This may be a real debate, which would shock America.”

How the debate unfolds will determine whether the legislation achieves significant bipartisan support. Democrats still need 60 votes to get past procedural obstacles, a number they can’t reach without at least one Republican on their side.

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1. RD - April 29, 2010

Rate cap and frequency limit ammendments coming!?!?

I’m somewhat surprised (given how well rate caps fared in the House) and obviouly dissappointed to hear that. Who’s likely to propose those? Do you thingk there’s any way either of them makes it in the bill?

2. Payday Pundit - April 29, 2010

Rate caps will probably be defeated as banks will rise about, worred about overdraft and their own products. Sanders and Merkely are likely will offer. Senator Hagan from North Caronlina has already said she’ll offer the six-per-year loan limitation amemndent. Have no idea how it will turn out.