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April 28, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

From the statement of Senator Richard Shelby, the chief Republican negotiator on the financial reform bill: 

“I thank Leader McConnell and my Republican colleagues for providing an opportunity for my negotiations with Chairman Dodd to run their course.  I believe we owed the American people our best effort to make whatever changes we could to this incredibly complex piece of legislation because it will have wide ranging implications for our economy.  Chairman Dodd has assured me that he will address a number of concerns I have expressed with respect to ending bailouts.  We have been unable, however, to make any meaningful progress on other important components of the legislation.  It is now my belief that further negotiations will not produce additional results.

“This bill still contains a sprawling new consumer protection bureau that will find and force its way into facets of our economy that had nothing to do with the housing crisis.  This massive new bureaucracy would have unchecked authority to regulate whatever it wants, whenever it wants, however it wants.  I am aware of no other arm of the federal government this powerful, yet so unaccountable.  In my negotiations with Chairman Dodd, I have consistently supported strengthening consumer protections.  I have also advocated for a sensible and meaningful role for safety and soundness regulators in this new agency’s operations.  Unfortunately, despite my demonstrated willingness to propose compromise solutions, this sensible step has proved to be a bridge too far.


 Now that my negotiations with Chairman Dodd have reached an impasse, I thank my Republican colleagues for their support and defer to their individual judgments on whether the Senate begins a floor debate on this bill.”

Dodd will probably now try to make deals with a few moderate Republicans.

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