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Centrist criticizes Reid’s tactics

April 28, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

Senator George Voinovich doesn’t like the unnecessary “motion to proceed” votes.  From The Hill:

Reid also scheduled a vote Monday evening, during the dinner hour, to force senators to show up on the chamber floor, a move that was seen as punishment for Republicans voting to block the Wall Street bill earlier in the day.

Reid could bring lawmakers back to the chamber again after regular hours to discuss Wall Street reform, disrupting their evening schedules.

Some of these tactics have vexed centrist Republicans, whose votes are necessary to pass a reform measure.

Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio), who earlier this year bucked his party to advance Democratic jobs legislation and an extension of unemployment benefits, said the repeated votes are “absolutely” counterproductive.

“I don’t think it helps,” he said.

However, according to reports, Voinovich said late Tuesday that even though he’s not likely to vote to begin debate on Wednesday, he will eventually vote for the motion if the talks continue not to be productive.

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