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The reality of it

April 27, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

Various opinion on what’s really happening is captured by a Wall Street Journal blogger Susan Davis: 

Why are Republicans stalling financial regulatory reform legislation?

There’s five reasons, writes Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic, including Democrats’ current unpopularity and the GOP’s “substantive objections to parts of the bill based on political philosophy and their understanding of the economy.” However, Ambinder writes, the Capitol Hill bickering is more political jockeying as senators in both parties expect the bill to—eventually—pass.

“Voting to delay debate on a popular bill is not the same thing as opposing it. In the end, even Richard Shelby expects a good number of Republican senators to come aboard. By twenty points, Americans trust Obama to fix this situation more than they do Republicans. That will matter in the end. And this IS a big bill that WILL change a lot of things.”

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