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Deal unlikely

April 25, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

At least for now.    From the Huffington Post:

The Senate’s top negotiators on financial overhaul legislation said Sunday they were not optimistic about striking a bipartisan agreement on key features of the sweeping bill, even as Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) vowed to move ahead with the legislation, setting the stage for a showdown vote on Monday.

Sen. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, predicted all 41 GOP senators would vote to delay the start of debate, unless continuing weekend talks led to a deal.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he didn’t expect the bill, as drafted by Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd, the chairman of the committee, would go forward.

“We want to make sure that they don’t have the same kind of approach on financial services that they did on health care,” McConnell, R-Ky., said on “Fox News Sunday.”

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