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GOP a “maybe”

April 22, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

From this morning’s Politico:

Don’t be fooled by the partisan divide Wednesday on a crucial piece of the Wall Street overhaul bill.

Democrats supported a new crackdown on derivatives. Republicans overwhelmingly rejected it — all except one, that is: Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

And Grassley’s vote hinted at a party moving steadily toward compromise on financial regulatory reform.

Listen to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in the past week, and you’d think the GOP was dug in against the bill — right where they were on health care.

But they’re not, as Grassley’s vote suggests. Unlike the health care bill, Republicans say they don’t have any major philosophical differences with Democrats on reining in Wall Street. And there are big parts of the bill they can live with, insiders say.

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