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Corker slams both sides

April 20, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (1)

From the NYT:

Mr. Corker said that rising anger over the debate had led him to make a speech on the Senate floor on Monday. “What’s happening right now is both sides of the aisles are trying to herd up folks with language that really in many ways I don’t think does justice to this issue which is very important, very difficult and something that’s very much needed in our country,” he said.

Mr. Corker complained about the misconstruing of a $50 billion fund that would be created to help unwind failing financial firms and put them out of business – a fund that has come under criticism by the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other Senate Republicans.

His remarks suggested growing internal discord among Republicans over how to approach the debate over the financial regulation bill. Democrats say they will try to push for a first procedural vote later this week, effectively daring Republicans to filibuster the measure at a time of deep public anger at Wall Street.

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1. Darren - April 20, 2010

This is laughable….we want a goverment agency to regulate over something thats all ready regulated by the state and federal governments…..who will regulate over them?,and so on and so on….And we still have APR being the calculation on all loans two week loans or 30 year loans….Its like who was the better ball player Hank Arron or Jim Brown????????? Arron hit more home runs but Brown scored more touchdowns…..I think these guys meet to much..seems like every week they got a new regulation coming down the pipe that takes a little more freedom away..Maybe we could cap the pay for politicians at national average…12.00 an hour.then maybe there focus would be on real issues that one cannot control and worry less about issues of personal responsiblity…..