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Hack job

April 19, 2010 | industry, industry critics | Comments (2)

CBS Evening News has zero standards for balance and quality.  The show ran a story about payday lending, contacted the industry for an interview, but then chose not to interview anyone from the industry’s side.   We also know for a fact that the show interviewed a happy customer outside a store in Los Angeles.  They chose not to run that interview either.

It’s disgraceful and yet another example of why the mainstream media is losing credibility.

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1. PDL Industry - April 19, 2010

Irresponsible journalism.

2. Darren - April 20, 2010

with out payday loans …the story would go like this…Bob smiths little dog sparky got sick and he didnt have the money to pay to take him to the vet…Sparky is dead now and Bob filed for bankruptcy due to the emotional hardship that forced him to take off every Friday…..What a crock……………..no one forced Bob to take out these loans that was his choice …….If someone gets a dui because they drank to many beers.do we blame Coors?????? Its called personal responsibility you goof…..