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Oh, please

April 12, 2010 | Consumer Federation of America, federal legislation, industry | Comments (1)

From the story:

Now the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) says support for a new consumer financial protection agency is growing.  The group says a recent survey indicates support for a new agency to look out for consumers is now at 62 percent (of those surveyed) as compared to 57 percent.

Now look at this loaded question: 

Folks were asked a number of questions including “ Do you believe that consumers need more effective protections against unfair and deceptive practices by banks and other financial institutions?”

I wonder how it would have turned out if they asked, “Do you believe that a new government bureacracy is needed to regulate your financial choices?”

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1. Gabriel Rodriguez - April 12, 2010

“ Do you believe that consumers need more effective protections against unfair and deceptive practices by banks and other financial institutions?”

So we are to assume that the current regulations are “effective” and that anything they regulate are “unfair and deceptive”? Talk about LEADING the witness, your honor!

I’m glad they cleared this up for me. I used to think that “current regulations rarely are necessary, and often times do not actually ‘protect’ consumers against much more than their freedom of choice” but I see that is not an option.

Yeah that question is LOADED allright. Loaded with B.S.!