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Mind blowing

April 11, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments (2)

Arianna Huffington proposes Elisabeth Warren for the Supreme Court.   At least it would take her out of contention for the CFPA.  From the story:

In addition to the names being bandied about as possible nominees, Arianna had another suggestion: Elizabeth Warren.

“I think Elizabeth Warren — especially if we can clone her so she can also run the Consumer Protection Agency — would be a great nominee. A Harvard Law professor, an expert on bankruptcy law, on many of the ways in which economic policies are impacting the middle class, exactly what the country needs right now, a compelling communicator. A great thing about John Paul Stevens was how persuasive he was, how he could move at least judge Kennedy and give us some of those 5-4 decisions which were so critical.”

I would like to nominate myself for an ambassadorship to a country that has nice beaches.

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1. Arthur Ham - April 11, 2010

I would like to nominate myself for an ambassadorship to a country that has nice beaches.

How about Saudi Arabia?

2. Payday Pundit - April 11, 2010

I was thinking more of a place where you can drink beer and men and women can share the same beach.