The Washington Post weighs in
April 7, 2010 | Washington Post, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)Not surprisinggly, their editorial board thinks the GOP should got on the financial reform bandwagon. From today’s edtorial:
Politically, the White House may well be correct. President Obama and congressional Democrats can afford to play hardball: If they get a bill that reflects mainly their ideas, they win; if the Republicans kill it with a filibuster, Democrats win anyway. This only makes the Republican leadership’s apparent strategy that much more puzzling. By all means, the GOP should leverage its 41 Senate votes to obtain reasonable concessions on genuine issues. But it should not play the politics of no. And if the GOP does offer to bargain in good faith, even at this relatively late date, the administration should respond positively. Whatever the politics, contributions from both sides would produce the best — and most politically sustainable — financial regulatory reform for the country.
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