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Why oppose the CFPA?

March 30, 2010 | alternatives, federal legislation, industry | Comments (1)

Because some people believe consumers should have access to credit.  And that more regulation hurts the economy.  And that the federal government shouldn’t be regulating small loans.

From the editorial in the Sarasota Herald Tribune:

Why should there be any significant opposition to the creation of an independent agency with strong powers of enforcement to protect consumers from exploitation by banks, mortgage companies, auto dealers and other purveyors of credit?

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1. Gabriel Rodriguez - March 30, 2010

It’s as if reporters just print the first thing they think, without researching.

“Why should there be any significant opposition…?”

If the question is important enough write a report on and print, why not spend 10 mins RESEARCHING that article to try and answer your own question. You may be surprised to find that your original, un-informed opinion was completely WRONG and un-intentionally (or intentionally) biased.

Do we place such a low standard on reporting in America partly because of the decline in educational funding? Just my guess.