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Let’s call this lobbying

March 23, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

I’m tired of journalists criticizing industry lobbying while writing story and after story supporting or opposing particular legislation.  This is about the sixth or seventh Huffington Post  columnist or reporter that writes regularly in favor of financial regulatory reform.  Shouldn’t the Huffington Post register these people as lobbyists?  From the column:

The President’s bill got it right. It created a fully independent consumer agency with real authority and enforcement power. Over 70 percent of the public supports substantive financial reform, including strong consumer protections. It is a shameful statement on our “pay to play” politics that a more aggressive bill – that focuses on the real culprits of the economic crisis– cannot find support among both Democrats and Republicans. The bankers and Wall Street may have forgotten how to make a good loan, but they haven’t forgotten how to lobby.

The nerve of this guy.  He can try to influence Congress but is opposed to lobbying by other people.   The hypocrisy and self-righteousness of the news media never ceases to amaze me.

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