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February 14, 2010 | Wisconsin, industry, regulation | Comments (0)

Editorial boards are schizophrenic.  They always call for “bipartisanship” and “compromise” but when it comes to specific issue, they never want to compromise.   The Wisconsin payday lending bill is a good example.  From the Cap Times editorial today:

Assembly Republicans have been critical of the legislation because they claim it is a hastily assembled attempt to provide cover for Sheridan, who is by any measure in a heap of trouble. They may be right. But they may also be playing partisan games.

The real issue is with Assembly Democrats, who hold the majority and who are supposed to be more serious than the Republicans when it comes to regulating bad businesses. They are going to have to choose between backing Sheridan and doing what is right. If this measure comes to a vote in its current form — with tinkering “reforms” and no cap on interest rates — it should be defeated.

No, the real issue is whether there’s going to a compromise bill or whether extremists will prevail.

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