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Complaining about democracy

February 3, 2010 | federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

A columnist at the Huffington Post decries the opposition to the CFPA:

Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into lobbying efforts to defeat the CFPA by the American Banking Association, the US Chamber of Commerce and the American Financial Services Association, the business lobby for mortgage lenders and credit-card companies. They know what they are doing. They should — they’re writing checks for the best, most thorough market research, and the brightest minds from the advertising community.

Stopthecfpa.com, one of their web sites, opens with a video of a woman lying awake in bed at night. A voice – a soothing voice, taken straight out of an Ambien ad – tells you Americans are worried. An agency to protect consumers, it says, will harm small businesses. It will take away jobs. It will “make an already bad economy worse.”

No one attacks the right of the Huffington Post to unleash about five columnists in support of the CFPA.  Why do they lament the fact that other voices are being heard?

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