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Law of unintended consequences

January 26, 2010 | alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

The credit card crackdown has only forced banks to find other ways to make money.

Predictably, for the CFPA

January 26, 2010 | North Carolina, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

The Asheville (N.C.) Citizen Times, a paper that never met an anti-business regulation it didn’t like:

Wonderful. The same foxes who have been guarding the Wall Street henhouse would get one more law not to enforce. CFPA must be free-standing, headed by a presidential appointee, as in the House-passed legislation. Otherwise, it is just a cruel joke on consumers.

The only joke on consumers will be when they realize that the CFPA eliminated their financial choices under the guise of “protecting” them.

Update Arizona:

January 26, 2010 | Arizona, industry | Comments (0)

From the AP:

A legislative hearing on a bill that would allow payday lenders to continue offering high-interest short-term loans in Arizona was delayed after the bill’s sponsor said it didn’t have enough support to advance.

Comment of the day

January 25, 2010 | industry critics | Comments (0)

An Iowan describes our Iowa critics, the ICCI:

These people are basically Iowa’s version of ACORN.  They are heavily financed by the SEIU and ACORN.  The specialize in shaking down businesses.  Their group has about 250 hardcore members who are committed enough to show up for a protest.  They are mostly centered in Des Moines.  If you look at their membership it is a “Who’s Who,” list of progressive radicals.

Glad we didn’t make this list

January 25, 2010 | industry, regulation | Comments (0)

It’s a prediction of stores that will be closing in 2010.

Five weeks away

January 25, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

CFSA annual conference will fast be upon us.  Click here for details.

Are you out of touch?

January 25, 2010 | industry, personal finance | Comments (0)

The Payday Pundit is.  At least by the standards set by this Huffington Post columnist:

Rob Arango was wondering if he remembered the cost of the daily paper. If you get daily home delivery of a newspaper, how much would it be at the newsstand?
How much is the toll on the Triboro Bridge? Or the Henry Hudson Bridge? When was the last increase?
What is the initial drop when a taxi starts its meter? What is the rate of increase? What are the different surcharges? (Not a fair question – I doubt event the TLC commissioner can keep track of that.)

That San Fran “alternative”

January 25, 2010 | California | Comments (0)

PDLindustrynews has some good comments about it.

Not a good sign

January 25, 2010 | alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

From a Wilmington, NC paper:

Many Wilmington pawn shops are flush with so many contractor tools that many shops are no longer accepting them.

“Basically, it’s all about supply and demand,” said Bill Dawson, general manager of East Coast Jewelry & Pawn, 1702 Dawson St., and Coastal Jewelry & Pawn, 5030 Market St. The pawn shops are owned by Carolina Jewelry & Pawn, a nine-store chain based in Durham.

Is the Left emotionally invested in the CFPA?

January 25, 2010 | federal legislation | Comments (0)

I hate to play amateur psychologist, but they seem to be relentless beyond reason in support of this agency.  David Corn in today’s Politics Daily:

And White House aides pointed to an exchange I had earlier in the day at the daily briefing. I had asked press secretary Robert Gibbs if Obama had conveyed to Dodd that he would be angry if Dodd dropped the CFPA. Gibbs had replied that Obama believes “financial reform has to include a consumer protection agency.”

So this reporter is touting his campaign for the CFPA?

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