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So what?

January 12, 2010 | Texas, industry | Comments (2)

I’m really sick of this attack that there are more payday lending stores than McDonald’s.  People love McDonald’s.  And customers are satisfied with payday loans.

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1. Mick - January 12, 2010

I agree this is a flawed arguement. They are comparing an entire industry to one company. That’s apples to oranges even if that company is one of the largest in the world. Additionally, I guess we should be concerned that there are many more hair salons than McDonalds… or should commons sense cause us to consider that demand has influenced the number of locations offering a service?

2. KB - January 12, 2010

I disagree with the idea that having too many payday loan stores is bad. Its simple economics of supply and demand. If there isn’t a demand for the service, stores would be shuttered.
Sililiar to our service, if McDonalds went away, then you could choose between the really expensive restraurant (similiar to banks) requiring a jacket and tie, or a grocery store (similiar to you asking your family that are able to help you out). The restaurant won’t serve me and I don’t know how to cook. Where do I go?