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How to avoid ATM charges

December 29, 2009 | alternatives, industry | Comments (0)

It’s not like ATM charges are killing me, but I found this interesting:

- Make going to the bank part of a weekly routine, pull out a set amount of cash for the week, and stick to spending only that amount, even if by the end of the week, you’re paying for your dry-cleaning in nickels. This method is good for: the routine-oriented, people who can resist the impulse to burn through their cash once it’s in their pocket, people who take a secret delight in producing correct change when they do have to pay for lunch using whatever spare change had migrated to the bottom of their bag.

Have the tools on hand to find your bank’s ATM wherever you are. MasterCard’s ATM Hunter iPhone app will tell you where any nearby ATM is, so you can use that to hunt for your bank. There’s also a Bank & ATM Finder (free), a $0.99 “Find An ATM” utility and the $0.99 “ATMs“. Download one of these applications and at least you can do due diligence on all your options before blowing $5 in bank fees at a strange ATM. This method is good for: peripatetic wanderers, people who don’t have the space in their brain to remember where their bank’s ATMs are within a 30-mile radius.

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