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Minorities shun banks

December 2, 2009 | USA Today, alternatives, federal legislation, industry | Comments (0)

USA Today discusses a new FDIC report:

More than one in four American households, including more than half of black households, use check cashers, payday lenders or pawnbrokers rather than a bank, according to a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation report to be released today.

Nearly 30 million households have no bank account or have one but also use alternate financial services at least occasionally, according to the FDIC report. The survey, the FDIC’s first in-depth study of the issue, was conducted by the Census Bureau.

The problem is most acute among minorities: 53% of African-American households and 43% of Hispanic households use check cashers or similar services instead of or in addition to banks.

Buying money orders and cashing checks are the most frequent transactions, the survey shows. Those using check cashers and other services say they are faster, cheaper and more convenient than banks — even though they pay a fee to cash a check they could deposit in a bank account for free.

The FDIC wants banks to win back those customers, saying consumers should have the benefit of insured savings and be able to build a credit history.

The Payday Pundit thinks everyone should be banked as well.  But tell that to the banks.

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