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More on Arizona fight

December 1, 2009 | Arizona, industry, regulation | Comments (0)

The industry’s efforts are getting attention.  From the Arizona Republic:

Some of Republican Gov. Jan Brewer’s closest political allies have joined the state’s payday lenders in a last-ditch push to help the industry with legislation it needs to survive past 2010.

Leading the effort for the lenders is former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods, who is co-chairman for Brewer’s 2010 gubernatorial campaign, as well as Phoenix-based HighGround, a lobbying firm is headed by Chuck Coughlin and Doug Cole, close allies of Brewer who are expected to manage her campaign for a full, four-year term.

Without an extension, Arizona’s hundreds of payday-loan operators will have to close their doors July 1. That’s because legislation that in 2000 enabled the sort of short-term cash advances provided by payday lenders included a 2010 “sunset” date.

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